Publications by MAST Members in the last five years


Aumjaud, B., Ramasawmy, B., Driver, B.M.F., Ramful-Baboolall, D. (2023). Higher education student work placement and employability. 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23). Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, 2023. DOI:

Autrey, L J C., Saumtally, A S., Dookun-Saumtally, A., Umrit, G. (2023). Characteristics of specialty and physiologically-enhanced re-fined sugars produced in Mauritius favourable for good health. Sugar Industry 148: 214–219.

Bhajan, C., Neetoo, H., Hardowar, S., Boodia, N., Driver, B.M.F., Chooneea, M, Ramasawmy, B, Goburdhun, D. and Ruggoo, A. (2022), ‘Food waste generated by the Mauritian hotel industry’, Tourism Critiques, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 120-137.

Cadersa, Y., Govinden Soulange., J, Saumtally., S, Parmessur, Y., and G Badaloo (2019). Selection of local potato breeding clones for yield and tuber characteristics in two cropping seasons. Potato J (2019) 46 (2): 149-162.

Cadersa, Y., Santchurn, D., Govinden Soulange, J, Saumtally, S., and Parmessur, Y. (2022). Genotype–by–environment interaction for marketable tuber yield in advanced potato clones using AMMI and GGE methods. African Crop Science Journal 30 (3): 331 – 346.

Cadersa, Y., Saumtally, S., Govinden Soulange, J., Parmessur, Y., and Naik, N. (2022). Field screening of advanced potato clones for foliar resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in two agro-climatic regions – Tropical Agriculture 99 (3): 225-243.

Dookun-Saumtally, A., Joomun, N., and Saumtally, S. (2023). Diagnostic Manual for Sugarcane Pathogens of Quarantine Importance. 61 pp.

Mohamedbhai, G. (2023). Academic Integrity in Africa: Role of Leadership. Chapter in Handbook of Academic Integrity, Ed. Sarah Elaine Eaton, Pub. Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd.