Membership of the Academy is opened to persons generally satisfying the following profile:

  1. Doctorate in a Science including Social Sciences) or Technology field through academic studies and at least eight (8) years of post-doctoral relevant experience in the area of Science (including Social Sciences) and /or Technology; 
  2. Recognised contribution at national, regional, or international level; 
  3. Significant innovation work in specific areas of science and /or technology; 
  4. Direct engagement in the profession of science and /or technology; 
  5. Demonstrated competence in professional activities over a considerable period.


Membership of the Academy comprises of:


Fellows of the Academy are elected from Mauritian citizens who by their respective achievements in the field of science and technology are regarded as being of exceptional merit and distinction and who can be expected to significantly assist the Academy in achieving its objectives. A Fellow of the Academy shall be entitled to use FMAST after his name. A maximum of 50 eminent Mauritian citizens of the world of science and/or technology, shall constitute the Fellows of the Academy, out of whom seven (7) are to form the Managing Committee. 

The Managing Committee may revise the maximum number of Fellows as and when required. The Managing Committee shall appoint new Fellows at a special meeting of the Managing Committee called for that purpose. All appointments must be ratified at the next AGM. 


The Managing Committee of the Academy shall select the Members of the Academy from such persons who have made or are making a distinguished contribution to the practice of science or technology.  A member of the Academy shall be entitled to use MMAST after his name. 

Associate Members 

The Council of the Academy shall nominate Associate Members from such persons who have a first degree in a Science or Technology related discipline and are making significant contributions to these fields.  An Associate Member of the Academy shall be entitled to use AMMAST after his name. 


Application for Membership

Application to become a member of MAST is by filling out the requisite Application Form and sending it to the Secretary, MAST along with the CV.

All members are strongly encouraged to fill in the MAST Scientists and Technologists Directory Form. MAST is often invited by academies and international organizations to participate and contribute to various activities such as conferences, workshops, meetings, working groups, and projects, either online or physically. The Directory enables the Council to provide such opportunities fairly and transparently to all its Members so that they can contribute, be recognized, as well as encourage participation in the various activities of the Academy.